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School Information

Home School Information

Sl.No Information
1 Name of the School with address: (strictly as per affilliation sanction latter or as permitted by the board)with pin code no. St.Patrick's School, Sheetla Chaukiya,Jaunpur(UP),PIN:222002
  (I) E-Mail [email protected]
  (II) Ph.No. 9598724445
  (III) Fax No. ………
2 Year of establishment of school 1972
3 Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? Yes ,State(UP)
4 Is the School recognized if yes by which Authority Yes,CBSE Board/UP Education Department
5 Status of affiliation: Permanent/Regular/Provisional Provisional
(I) Affiliation No. 2130276
(II) Affiliation with the Board since 1991
(III) Extension of affiliation upto 31.03.2025
6 Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the company Act 1956 Nirmala Education Society of the Ursuline Of Mary Immaculate
Period up to which Registration of trust /Society is valid 2021
7 List of members of school Managing Committee with their Address/Tenure and post held S.No Name Designation Address
1 Sr. Preeti President St. Patrick’s Convent, Sheetala Chaukiya, Jaunpur
2 Sr. Jessy Secretary St. Patrick’s Convent, Sheetala Chaukiya, Jaunpur
3 Mr. Rakesh Upadhyay Teacher Sewapress, Rasmandal, Jaunpur
4 Mrs. Renu Tripathi Teacher Ashanandpur , Rampur (semuni) Jaunpur
5 Dr.G .N Shukla Educationist 1524,Sunder Nagar Mandi Ahmad Khan Jaunpur
6 Mr. P.K. Singh Member H.No. 5, Malipur Macchali Shahar Padao
7 Dr. A.A Jafri Parent Secretary IMA , Ala Hospital ,Jaunpur
8 Dr. Anju Chaudhary Parent H.No. 5, Malipur Macchali Shahar Padao
9 Mr. P.K. Saxena MEMBER St. Patrick’s Convent, Sheetala Chaukiya, Jaunpur
10 Sr. Pushpa MEMBER St. Patrick’s Convent, Sheetala Chaukiya, Jaunpur
11 Sr. Rita John Member St. Patrick’s Convent, Sheetala Chaukiya, Jaunpur
12 Sr. Anu George Member St. Patrick’s Convent, Sheetala Chaukiya, Jaunpur
13 Sr. Kiran George Member Nirmala Convent School, Renukoot
8 Name and official address of the manager/Persident/Chairman/ Correspondent. Sr. Rita John,Manager,St.Patrick's Convent Sheetala Chaukiya,Jaunpur U.P-222106
(I) E-Mail [email protected]
(II) Ph.No. 9598724445
(III) Fax No. …….
9 Area of School Campus
(I) In Acres 6
(II) In Sq.Mrts 24087.4256
(III) Built Up Area(Sq.Mtrs) 12644
(IV) Area of Playgroung in Sq.Mtrs 8592
(V)Other Facilities  
(I) Swimming Pool NO
(II) Indoor games YES
(III) Dance Room YES
(IV) Gymnasium NO
(V)Music Rooms YES
(VI)Hotels NO
(VII)Health and Medical Checkup YES
10 Details of fee Structure
(I) Pre-Nursery …..
(II) Nursery …..
(III) I to V 1420
(IV) VI to VIII 1470
(V) IX & X 1500
(VI) XI & XII 1900
11 Transport Facility
(I) Own Buses NO
(II) Buses Hired on Contract Basis YES
(III) Details Of Transport Charges ………
13 Details of salary being paid by the school to teacher staff (to be updated time to time )
Designation PGT/TGT/PRT/Counsellor/etc Scale of Pay Grade Pay %DA HRA EPF Contribution
PGT 12090 4800 90% 1500 12%
TGT 10230 4600 90% 1500 12%
PRT 8370 4200 90% 1500 12%
Counsellor 10230 4600 90% 1500 12%
Others 6500 3000 65% 1000 12%
14 Mode of Payment of Salary
(I) Name of the bank throuhg which salary is drawing . Bank of Baroda (Sipah branch ,Jaunpur (U.P))
(II)Through single cheque transfer advice Through Single Cheque transfer advice
(III) Individual cheque ……….
(IV) Cash …………
15 Library facilities
(I) Size of the Library in Sq.Feet 25*55
(II)No.Periodicals 20
(III)No.of dailies 3
(IV)No.Of Reference books Class-Wise 1000 books per class
(V)No.of Magazine 25
(VI)Others 13205
16 Name Of the Grievance /Redressal officer Sr. Gracy Joseph
17 Members of Sexual Harassment Committee Sr. Pushpa, Mrs. Arti Shukla, Mrs. Anita Singh, Mrs. Kavita Pandey, Mrs. Sunita Mishra
18 Members of Posco committee Sr. Gracy Joseph, Mr. GyandendraUpadhyay, Mrs. Neeta Upadhyay, Mr. RakeshUpadhyay, Mrs. SudhaVishwakarma, Mr. Vinay Kumar Pandey
19 Members of Children Safety Committee Sr. Rita John, Miss. Sheereen Farhat, Mrs. Swapnam Dubey, Mr. Anil Kumar Yadav, Mr. Kunvar Rahul Singh, Mr. Ghazanfer Ali
20 Members of Grievance Redresssal Committee Sr. Gracy Joseph, Mrs. RenuTripathi, Mr. Brahmadev Singh, Mr. Vijay Pratap Singh, Mrs. Nayabjahan, Mr. Gaurav Khatri
21 Section Wise Enrolment of School for the Current Session
Class Section Enrolment
I A 58
I B 57
I C 58
I D 58
II A 58
II B 59
II C 57
II D 58
III A 59
III B 58
III C 58
III D 59
IV A 59
IV B 57
IV C 55
IV D 56
V A 59
V B 58
V C 59
V D 57
VI A 56
VI B 54
VI C 55
VI D 55
VII A 51
VII B 50
VII C 52
VII D 57
IX A 51
IX B 50
IX C 52
IX D 50
IX E 40
X A 50
X B 52
X C 52
X D 50
X E 50
XI A 46
XI B 45
XI C 43
XII A 70
XII B 57
22 Academic Session Period From April to March
23 Vacation Period May and June
24 Admission Period April &May