"Nursery Admission 2025-2026 link will be available at 11:30 a.m."  |  

Rules & Regulations

Home Rules & Regulations

  • Every student should bring with him/her daily the school diary. If a pupil loses the diary, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action. A fine will be levied and a new diary will have to be purchased.
  • Pupils cannot be admitted into the school without the Transfer Certificate of the school last attended.
  • Student should come to school clean and tidy in their school uniform. All are obliged to wear the uniform under penalty of expulsion from the class.
  • Students must not remain in the class rooms during the recess and PT. period.
  • When students move along the corridors or verandas as when changing classes or excusing themselves they must keep SILENCE and walk in single or double file.
  • No student will be exempted from P.T. without doctor's certificate. Those who are thus excused must have their certificate countersigned by the principal and watch the drill.
  • Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence may be granted for sufficient cause but on application from the parent or guardian that must be made in advance whenever possible. When sending an application for leave NAME, CLASS & SECTION must be clearly mentioned.
  • Running, playing or shouting inside the school building and verandas is never allowed.
  • Verbal request through servants to allow students to go home before the school gets over will not be complied with.
  • Students should not leave the school premises during class hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • All students are responsible to the School authorities for their conduct in and out to school.
  • Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, inattention to school work, obstinacy in work & deed, willful and repeated breach of school regulations are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of student.
  • If a student continues to be absent without a leave note for more than ten working days in succession, his/her name will be struck off the register.
  • Students who cause damage of any kind in the class or premises will have to make good the damage done.
  • a) No books (other than text books or library books) magazines or papers may be brought to the school.
  • b) Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives and other dangerous materials to school. Disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders.
  • c) Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. Students are not allowed to make any collection of money to any purpose without the specific permission of the Principal.
  • The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, book, cloth etc. Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the school office.
  • Students are prohibited from wearing gold ornaments in the school.
  • All pupils should endeavor to excel in the practice of good manners and obedience to their teachers and elders. Pupils are expected to attend all School functions and meetings.
  • It is compulsory for the students to complete 75% of attendance in a year to make them eligible for promotion to the next class.
  • All the students are required to speak English in the School.
  • Buying of sweets, ice cream etc. from hawkers on the streets outside the school premises is strictly forbidden.