"Nursery Admission 2025-2026 link will be available at 11:30 a.m."  |  

Examination & Promotion

Home Examination & Promotion

Promotions will be decided on the average marks obtained in the two Semester Examinations conducted during the year in addition to year's work. The two Semester exams will be conducted as follows :
1st Semester - September
2nd Semester - Beginning of March
To pass in any subject, a student has to secure 35% marks and for languages 40% marks. Any student who loses the progress card, will be fined Rs. 25/-
The engagement of private tutor is strongly discouraged. Should there be a genuine need in particular case, the Principal should be consulted before engaging a tutor. Teachers are not permitted give private tuitions of their own pupils.
Those students who are absent for any of the examination will not be tested earlier or later.
Willful breach of any of the regulations for the conduct of examination or if subsequently discovered cancelling of paper.
Result declared at the end of the year is final in all cases and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer papers be shown.